EIC Fund co-investment scenarios

Today, the so-called “blended-finance” is the most common funding type provided by the EIC Accelerator. This type of funding provides a combination of grant and equity funding in such a way that it is not recommendable at all to delink private and public funding strategies when targeting the EIC Fund.

In this video, we present the four different co-investment scenarios the EIC Fund is currently using and we also briefly explain how the EIC Fund differentiates between a qualified and unqualified round.

Having in mind the potential co-investment scenarios is critical when designing the EIC Accelerator application strategy. Applicants should be aware that the EIC Fund does not aim to replace private investors but to co-invest along them and create a crowd-in effect. Besides, existing investors can also profit from the right strategy, for instance, by (partly) delaying a follow-up round and co-involving the EIC Fund in order to boost the round size and ambition.

Watch video (2:56)

Green photo created by kjpargeter – www.freepik.com

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